Oblivion character overhaul mod hair
Oblivion character overhaul mod hair

oblivion character overhaul mod hair

The Roof color too is also customizable through 6 different options, the bright Purple being default as it is true to the original concept work by NerdForge(YT). All windows are transparent so they can be seen in and out of, though the emissive power on the outside may vary depending on ENB settings, a dimmer version will be provided as optional files. There's no transition between inside and outside the home, so the experience of going in and out is entirely seemless. It is fast-travel available or has doors uniquely placed outside each of the 5 main cities. PS: Should be mod not mode in the title, can't seem to edit now.Brand new custom player home in its own unique world space that is uniquely attached to Skyrim along the north-west coast, near Castle Volkihar. If a mod changes some aspects like old women have the model of an young woman but with silver hair that's acceptable to me it's better than remaining with the original models. If a mod is as often is the case a collection of other mods that's ok. So my question is: What is the mod or 2,3 mods that I can easily install and they will make all the NPC models look better ?

oblivion character overhaul mod hair

There are lots of mods that are out of date.Īnd this is just a personal aesthetic choice of mine but some of the mods are too anime inspired, I don't hate anime but in Oblivion the huge eyes, small mouth, huge elven ears look doesn't work for me. There are lots of mods that change only some NPCs I would like something that brings everyone up to date. If they do speak about the faces they often give a list of tens of mods that you need to install. If they do they give a huge lists of mods which include a lot of gameplay changers, gameplay is fine with me for now. I've seen on google pictures of this game with wonderful detailed models and clothes (I'm mainly interested in the faces and bodies the clothes don't bother me that much). No disrespect to the developers, at it's time Oblivion was quite the achievement but right now the faces just look so puffy they're distracting me from the game.

Oblivion character overhaul mod hair