Makemkv key too old after may 2016
Makemkv key too old after may 2016

makemkv key too old after may 2016

I know I am asking what other people have asked thousands of times before but rather buying a drive pre flashed I want to do this myself and I will be taking a big hit in the wallet every time I get it wrong so this is pretty serious stuff. The downgrade tool can that be used in windows or exclusively from a bootable usb unfortunately for me if I brick my drive then my bios is non-IDE compatible as it is too new so if I end up bricking my drive it is bricked permanently, the bin is the only place for it.įinally, for reading my discs I was thinking of buying another ASUS BW-16D1HT or the LG-BH16NS40 again as above what do I need to see on the drive label for this to go smoothly.

makemkv key too old after may 2016

I have purchased the ASUS BW-16D1HT and it will be with me on Friday now this drive cost a pretty penny £89 kind of expensive so as not to brick it what would I need to be looking out for as regards to numbers and letters dates on the drive label that is attached to the outside of the drive.

Makemkv key too old after may 2016